Browse Items (172 total)

“What has happened to our society? Blind, fearful, extremist? Where is truth and justice?” Allin’s journal entry conveys his dismay after having learned about the bombing of the home of his fellow clergyman, Rabbi Perry Nussbaum, an…

July 6, 1964, Allin wrote to the leader of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity (ESCRU), the Rev. John B. Morris, about the announcement of the Delta Ministry in Mississippi. Allin expressed concern that "it was done without any…

“Quiet and orderly.” 1961 Vicksburg Evening Post clipping details clergy arrests and Allin's response to a clergy group visiting All Saints’ College for the purpose of studying segregation.

Mississippi celebrity humorist, Jerry Clower, talks about
his relationship with Allin.

President Bush roasts Allin for a charity dinner in Allin’s honor.

Allin explains his offer to resign, 1977.

Allin reflects on Prayer Book revision, 1992.

Allin shares his thoughts on Prayer Book revision, 1977.

1992, Allin comments on what his role was as Presiding Bishop during the Church’s struggle with the ordination of women.

“My limitations must not limit the faith of others.” Allin discusses the ordination of women, 1977.
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