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"...we pray he can get it all together without giving it all away." Allin, as depicted in a 1973 post-election caricature in The Episcopalian. Allin had his work cut out for him following in the footsteps of his predecessor, John Hines. Theā€¦


Bishop Mitchell's birthday greeting announcing Allin's canonical eligibility for ordination to the priesthood. Being admitted to an exclusive, all-male order was a privileged position not lost on either Bland Mitchell or Jack Allin.

A congratulatory letter from Richard Nixon on Allin's election to the office of Presiding Bishop, 1974.

The Order of Service for Allin's installation, featuring artwork by Reginald Pollack.

A concerned Episcopal Church member writes to Allin, expressing shock at his intital refusal of the donation, November 6, 1974. Allin received many similar letters of crticism for his decision to reject the offering.

Grace Episcopal Church, Monroe, LA, where Allin served as rector from 1952-1958.

Allin's passport, 1979. By the end of his time as Presiding Bishop, Allin had circled the globe three times.


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