The Archives of the Episcopal Church

Trial Cases, Accords, and Orders in Matters of Ecclesiastical Discipline

A Digital Archive produced from original source records with additional metadata.


Copyright © 2019. The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material in any format without express and written permission from this site’s author and owner is prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used for educational purposes, provided that full and clear credit is given to The Archives of the Episcopal Church [] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  Contact for rights and permissions.

About This Digital Archive
The Archives has created this digital archive primarily for the use of researchers and students of canon law and the disciplinary order of The Episcopal Church.  The data has been compiled and is administered by The Archives of the Episcopal Church.  Permission to republish these materials beyond fair use in any format is reserved to The Episcopal Church. 

The digital collections herein are true representations of records of the ecclesiastical trial courts and disciplinary boards of The Episcopal Church, which are held in The Archives of the Episcopal Church.  They do not represent a complete compilation of all documents associated with the case.  Some documents have been excluded or partially redacted because they contain personal identifying and confidential information that is neither germane to the procedural understanding or the intelligibility of the case. 

Access Limitation
Documents available in the cases listed below are open to the public.  Access to Other Case Documents is for research by members of the study committee known as the “White and Dykman Subcommittee” and members of the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, and Constitution & Canons.  Other reviewers identified by the Subcommittee or the Canonical Archivist as having a contributing interest in this digital archive may request access.  


In Process: Opinions Only


Last updated January 30, 2019