Archives Publishes 2015 General Convention Actions

The Archives of the Episcopal Church announces the update of official governance documents held in the Digital Archives of General Convention.

The Acts of Convention adds 315 resolutions from the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City held in June and July, 2015 to the existing online database that begins in 1976.

The database offers full legislative histories: authenticated, edited, and indexed to capture the final actions of the recent Convention. Quick links connect the user to supplementary texts of endorsed or adopted statements by General Convention and to Blue Book reports that provide rationale and context for the “A” resolutions.

The Reports to General Convention is a text archive of the official triennial reports of The Episcopal Church’s committees, commissions, agencies, and boards. Most users will know this material as the Blue Book. The online archive contains 509 reports, including newly proposed liturgical texts for trial use.

The Archives of the Episcopal Church is the official repository of The Episcopal Church including the General Convention, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, Episcopal Church organizations, and the personal papers of its leadership. The Archives mission is to honor the community’s diversity, educate members for mission, and communicate the faith for future ministry.
