Council Expresses Regret Over Action of Separatists

Episcopal News Service. September 18, 1977 [77302]

GREENWICH, Conn. -- The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church reacted quickly to the separatist action of a congress of dissident Church members who met in St. Louis just prior to the Sept. 16-18 meeting of Council here.

The dissident groups -- under the organizational umbrella of the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen -- had acted during their three-day meeting to separate themselves from the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada and form a new church to be called the Anglican Church in North America. About 1,700 people attended the congress including leaders of a number of parishes that have already separated from their dioceses.

The Executive Council's Education for Ministry Committee introduced a resolution to the Council which expressed the Council's deep regret over "the action of separation of our fellow Christians. " Noting the "deep hurt" that many people feel, and referring to Presiding Bishop John M. Allin's call to work for mutual understanding and responsible relationship, the Council resolution called on Episcopalians to "continue to talk with our estranged colleagues and not to close any doors to those who choose to separate themselves."

In supporting the resolution, the Rev. William V. Powell, Stillwater, Okla., and Province VII representative, said: "The committee felt it imperative that we as a Council affirm where we are.... I personally feel a need to witness to them what the Church means to me."

Presiding Bishop Allin -- who had attended the St. Louis meeting to express his pastoral concern, but who was not allowed to speak to the dissident assembly -- added: "This resolution is right to the point. It is good positive witness. It expresses our need to reach out and to do penance and that's what we all should do."

Although the resolution passed without audible dissent, there was a move -- led by The Hon. Chester Byrns of Western Michigan and Mr. Dupuy Bateman of Pittsburgh - to table the motion until the December Council meeting. Mr. Bateman said he supported the tabling action because "there is a time to speak out and a time to be silent and this is a time to be silent."

Resolution on the Action of Separation

Whereas, News has come to the Executive Council at the time of its regular meeting of the intention of a number of fellow Episcopalians, as well as other Anglicans from the Canadian church, gathered in St. Louis September 14-16, to separate themselves from our fellowship, and

Whereas, The Executive Council is sensitive to the great hurt existing for many persons in the Episcopal Church, and

Whereas, The Presiding Bishop has called upon the Episcopal Church to work for mutual understanding and responsible relationship one to another; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Executive Council takes due notice of the events in St. Louis of September 14-16, and deeply regrets the action of separation of our fellow Christians, and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council call upon the Episcopal Church to continue to talk with our estranged colleagues and not to close any doors to those who choose to separate themselves, with the hope that we will be reunited in God's church.

Adopted Sept. 18, 1977