Hymnal and Prayer Book Now Available in Large Print

Episcopal News Service. October 23, 1986 [86231]

NEW YORK (DPS, Oct. 30) -- Church Hymnal Corporation has published the first complete large print editions of The Book of Common Prayer (1979) and The Hymnal 1982.

The new editions were developed in response to a need expressed by The Association of Diocesan Liturgical and Music Commissions (ADLMC). Frank Hemlin, Church Hymnal Corporation Vice President and Manager, said "increasing numbers of Episcopalians, especially the elderly, are not able to take part in worship because of impaired or failing vision. The new, large print editions can, in may cases, mean the difference between participating and not participating."

Church Hymnal Corporation had a single objective when the design phase of the project was begun earlier this year -- to make these books as convenient and simple to use as possible. This goal is evident in the new editions, which users describe as "both large enough and light enough -- a clever solution to a knotty problem." The Church Hymnal Corporation cannot, however, take credit for this solution; it is actually an adaptation of the format used in the very successful Lutheran Book of Worship.

For $34.50, the price of The Hymnal 1982, and $29.95 for The Book of Common Prayer (1979), purchasers receive the exact text of the original, printed in large, black type on 8½" X 11" white stock. The text is packaged in a durable carton which comes thumb-noticed on the right side for convenient page removal. Each set comes with a matching binder which weighs about as much as a light notebook. The binder is small because it was never intended that the large print ever be used as a whole book, but rather that only those pages needed for a given service be placed in the binder at one time. The book, when ready for the service, should weigh less than one pound.

Ray Glover, editor of The Hymnal 1982 and president-elect of ADLMC, explains that there are two ways to use the books, depending on where they're kept after they've been bought. When parishes buy them and they remain at the church, a designated person, such as the parish secretary, can easily set them up each week. After the service and hymns have been planned, the pages are removed from the storage box and placed in each binder. Ushers should have them on hand to distribute as required.

The alternative is for individual worshippers to buy and assemble their own sets at home after telephoning the parish secretary to find out what pages will be required. Although it's expected that most churches will perform this service for members who need it, easy-to-follow instructions are included with every book for individuals who buy their own. Parishes interviewed at the beginning of the project indicated their willingness to use the books either way, according to Hemlin.

The new editions are among the lead-off titles in Church Hymnal Corporation's 1987 Catalog, which will be mailed this month. To receive a copy, contact Church Hymnal Corporation at (212) 661-6700 or (800) 223-6602.