Resolution Number: 1976-B005
Title: Amend Canon III.9 [Add Sec. 1: Of General Provisions Respecting Ordination]
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred
Final Text:

Resolved, That a new Section 1 of Title III, Canon 9 be adopted, with renumbering of the present Section 1 and following, the said Section 1 to read as follows:

Section 1. The provisions of these canons for the admission of Candidates, and for the Ordination to the three Orders: Bishops, Priests and Deacons shall be equally applicable to men and women.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, 1976 (New York: General Convention, 1977), p. C-52.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Ministry

House of Bishops

On the fourth day, the Bishop of Maine, Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the House of Bishops, called upon Bishop Richards to outline further procedure for group meetings to continue to discussion on the Ordination of Women.

The Bishop of Chicago, Chairman of the Committee on Ministry, distributed a proposed Resolution to initiate discussion.

The House recessed at 11:27 a.m. for the Bishops to convene with their groups.

The Presiding Bishop convened the House of Bishops at 2:04 p.m.

The Chairman of the Committee for the Dispatch of Business proposed that the First Report of the Committee on Ministry concerning the Ordination of Women be open to a two hour debate.

The Bishop of Chicago, Chairman of the Committee on Ministry, reported and moved the adoption of the Resolution (B-5).

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, that a new Section 1 of Title III, Canon 9 be adopted, with renumbering of the present Section 1 and following, the said Section 1 to read as follows:

Section 1. The provisions of these canons for the admission of Candidates, and for the Ordination to the three Orders: Bishops, Priests and Deacons shall be equally applicable to men and women.

Bishop Gordon seconded the motion.

The Bishop of Oregon presented the following Resolution (Substitute--Ordination of Women):

Whereas, requirements for Ordination are governed by the Constitution of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A., and the Ordinal of The Book of Common Prayer, therefore

Be it resolved, that Article VIII of said Constitution be amended pursuant to the process set forth in Article XI, by substituting the words "he or she" for the word "he" in lines two and seven of paragraph one of Article VIII, and in line three of the last paragraph thereof, and be it further

Resolved, that the appropriate Committees be directed to bring all Canons relating to Ministry, and the Ordinal of this Church into compliance with this Article as amended.

The Bishop of East Carolina seconded the motion.

After the discussion of the original and substitute motions, the Presiding Bishop called for the beginning of the two hour debate at 2:40 p.m.

After two hours of debate, the Bishop of Dallas moved that the debate cease.

Seconded by Bishop Mosley.

Motion carried

The Bishop of Colorado moved that the Rules of the House be suspended in order that a motion could be entertained to require a two-thirds vote on the motion for substitution.

Seconded by the Bishop of Lexington.

Motion defeated

The vote of substitution was then taken, and the substitution was defeated by a vote of 59 for, and 96 against.

The vote on the original motion (B-5) as presented by the Committee on Ministry was 95 for, 61 against and 2 abstained.

The Roll Call vote is recorded as follows:


Bishop Barton

Bishop Gordon (Resigned)

Bishop Gibson

Bishop Welles

Bishop Burrill

The Bishop Suffragan for the American Congregations in Europe

The National Coordinator for the House of Bishops Committee on Pastoral Development

Bishop Stark

The Bishop of the Central Gulf Coast

Bishop Mosley

Bishop Marmion

The Bishop of Southwestern Virginia

Bishop Doll

Bishop Goddard

The Bishop of Indianapolis

The Bishop of Central & South Mexico

The Bishop of Minnesota

Bishop Corrigan

The Bishop of Southern Virginia

Bishop Blanchard

The Bishop of the Southern Philippines

The Bishop of Washington

The Bishop Suffragan of California

The Bishop of Western Michigan

Bishop Kellogg, Paul (Retired)

The Bishop Suffragan of New York (Wetmore)

The Bishop of North Carolina

The Bishop of South Carolina

Bishop Butterfield

The Bishop Coadjutor of Tennessee

Bishop Burgess

The Bishop Suffragan of Oklahoma

The Bishop of New York

The Bishop of Newark

The Bishop of Central New York

The Bishop of Kentucky

The Bishop Coadjutor of West Texas

The Bishop of California

The Bishop of Puerto Rico

The Bishop of North Dakota

The Bishop of Texas

The Bishop Suffragan of Oregon

The Bishop of Western Kansas

The Bishop of New Jersey

The Bishop of Central Pennsylvania

The Bishop of Virginia

The Executive for Ministries

The Bishop of Ohio

The Bishop of Easton

The Bishop of Spokane

The Bishop of Rochester

The Executive for Administration

The Bishop of Arkansas

The Bishop of Hawaii

The Bishop of Pittsburgh

The Bishop of Western New York

The Bishop of Montana

The Bishop of East Carolina

The Bishop of Maine

The Bishop of Maryland

The Bishop of Costa Rica

The Bishop of Eastern Oregon

The Bishop of Wyoming

The Bishop of New Hampshire

The Bishop of Western Massachusetts

The Bishop of Bethlehem

The Bishop of Taiwan

The Bishop of Alabama

The Bishop of Southern Ohio

The Bishop Suffragan of Washington

The Bishop of Utah

The Bishop of Rhodes Island

The Bishop of Michigan

The Bishop Coadjutor of Connecticut

The Bishop of the Rio Grande

The Bishop of Iowa

The Bishop Suffragan of Massachusetts

The Bishop of Panama and the Canal Zone

The Bishop of Nevada

The Bishop of the Dominican Republic

The Bishop Suffragan of Chicago

The Bishop of Upper South Carolina

The Bishop of West Virginia

The Bishop Suffragan of Virginia

The Bishop of Erie

The Bishop of Vermont

The Bishop of Mississippi

The Bishop of Florida

The Bishop of Alaska

The Bishop Suffragan of New Jersey

The Bishop of Missouri

The Bishop of Delaware

The Bishop of Northern Michigan

The Bishop Coadjutor of Newark

The Bishop Coadjutor of Arizona


Bishop Gesner

Bishop Gooden, Heber (Resigned)

Bishop Moody

Bishop Watson

The Bishop of Oklahoma

Bishop Higgins

The Bishop of Fond du Lac

The Bishop of Arizona

The Bishop of Tennessee

Bishop Carman

The Bishop of Kansas

The Bishop of Northern California

Bishop Brown, Allen

Bishop Thayer

The Bishop of Connecticut

The Bishop of Southeast Florida

The Bishop of Chicago

Bishop Chambers

The Bishop Suffragan of Albany

The Bishop of Western Mexico

The Bishop Suffragan of Oregon

The Bishop Suffragan of Tennessee

The Bishop of Colorado

The Bishop of West Texas

The Bishop of San Joaquin

The Bishop of Nicaragua

The Bishop of the Southern Philippines

The Bishop of Eau Claire

The Bishop of Georgia

The Bishop of Central Florida

The Bishop of Lexington

The Bishop of Dallas

The Bishop of South Dakota

The Bishop of Liberia

The Bishop Suffragan to the Armed Forces

The Bishop of Ecuador

The Bishop of Haiti

The Bishop of West Missouri

The Bishop of Northwest Texas

The Bishop of Colombia

The Bishop of Springfield

The Bishop of the Virgin Islands

The Bishop of Idaho

The Bishop of Northern Indiana

The Bishop Suffragan of Maryland

The Bishop of Guatemala

The Bishop of Milwaukee

The Bishop of Western North Carolina

The Bishop of Quincy

The Bishop of Oregon

The Bishop Suffragan of New York (Wright)

The Bishop of Albany

The Bishop of San Diego

The Bishop of Southwest Florida

The Bishop Coadjutor of Long Island

The Bishop of the Northern Philippines

The Bishop Suffragan of Dallas

The Bishop of Olympia

The Bishop Suffragan of Texas

The Bishop of Louisiana

The Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Virginia


Bishop Hobson

The Bishop of Northern Mexico

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #56)

The Bishop of Eau Claire read the following statement:

We stand committed to the Episcopal Church, and we are determined to live and work within it. We cannot accept with a good conscience the action of this House. We believe that to do so would violate our ordination vows to be faithful to and to defend the Word of God in Holy Scripture.

Furthermore, we cannot acknowledge the authority of this General Convention to decide unilaterally and in the face of the expressed disapproval of our Roman, Old Catholic and Orthodox brethren, a question which ought to be decided by an ecumenical consensus.

The ordination and consecration of women priests and bishops will raise for us the gravest of questions--that is, how far this Church can accept such ministrations without fatally compromising its position as a Catholic and Apostolic Body. We ask our brothers in this House to take heart our resolution. We ask the whole Church to take note of our unshaken loyalty to the Episcopal Church, its teachings, its spirituality, its priesthood and its sacraments.

"I concur in this statement that has been read to the House, and I wish my name to be recorded as concurring."

Joseph Harte

Paul Reeves

A. Donald Davies

William H. Folwell

Edwin B. Thayer

John VanderHorst

Albert W. Hillestad

Robert E. Terwillinger

George Browne

E. Paul Haynes

Robert C. Witcher

Addison Hosea

William R. Moody

A. Carral

Melchor Saucedo-Mendoza

Stanley Atkins

Charles E. Hobgood

Walter Jones

Edward M. Turner

William R. Sheridan

Clarence R. Haden, Jr.

Edward C. Turner

Robert M. Wolterstorff

W. Fred Gates, Jr.

Roger H. Cilley

Albert A. Chambers

Richard A. Abellon

Luc A. J. Garnier

Charles B. Persell

William H. Brady

James B. Brown

C. Charles Vache

Robert H. Mize

The Parliamentarian moved that the provisions of B-5--The Ordination of Women--Title III, Canon 3, Section 1, take effect immediately.

The motion was seconded by Bishop Barton.

Motion carried

Bishop Mosley who voted for the motion moved reconsideration because of many signing the statement by the Bishop of Eau Claire when the vote was taken.

The motion was seconded by the Chairman of Dispatch of Business.

Motion to reconsider passed

The Bishop of Southeast Florida then moved that the motion B-5 take effect immediately to be tabled.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of South Carolina.

Motion defeated

Bishop Mosley then moved that the vote on the motion that B-5 take effect immediately to be postponed.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Western Massachusetts.

The motion to postpone carried 73 to 63.

Motion to postpone carried

House of Deputies

On the Fifth Day, the Chairman of the Committee on Ministry, the Very Rev. David Collins (Atlanta), presented Report #3 of the Committee regarding Resolution B-5 and House of Bishops Message #56, new Title III, Canon 9, Sec. 1, as follows:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, that a new Section 1 of Title III, Canon 9 be adopted, with renumbering of the present Section 1 and following, the said Section 1 to read as follows:

Section 1. The provisions of these canons for the admission of Candidates, and for the Ordination to the three Orders: Bishops, Priests and Deacons shall be equally applicable to men and women.

Dean Collins addressed the House on the historic significance and the process in preparation of this legislation.

The Chairman moved concurrence.

The Chair called for amendments.

Several amendments were offered but all were lost.

There followed a lengthy debate on the main motion.

Deputies speaking to the issue:


Wentt, So. Ohio

Regas, Los Angeles

Bryant, Virgin Islands

Kenny, Massachusetts

Burke, Michigan

Jones, Alaska

Ardery, Kentucky

Sherman, Liberia

Jones, Central Pennsylvania

Crump, Tennessee

Mitchell, Virginia

Bailey. Atlanta

Bowers, Atlanta

Reese, Texas

Eisenhart, Washington

Whitman, West Missouri

Romig, Washington

Guthries, Massachusetts

White, Springfield

Stines, Chicago

Anderson, So. Carolina

Dyer, Massachusetts

Brewster, Central New York

Prie, Virginia

Sister Mary Jean, Milwaukee

Lago, Puerto Rico

Sellers, Pennsylvania

Newman, Rio Grande

Satrang, San Diego


Hungerford, N.W. Texas

Sadler, Los Angeles

Fosberg, Eastern Oregon

Grubbs, Rio Grande

Gusweller, New York

Warner, West Missouri

Black, Central & South Mexico

Butler, Quincy

Moody, Northern Indiana

Robinson, Connecticut

Frascona, Colorado

Rogers, Dallas

Noris, Chicago

Plowe, So. Dakota

Center, Northern Indiana

Lockwood, California

Rohane, Rio Grande

Foster, San Joaquin

Searfoss, Bethlehem

Carthy, New Jersey

Weitzel, Central Pennsylvania

Carroll, Chicago

Muniz, Nicaragua

Goldman, Springfield

Leeson, Milwaukee

Olnhausen, Milwaukee

Gore, San Diego

Casper, Long Island

Swinford, Lexington

The debate being ended, Dean Collins called for a five minute period of silent prayer.

A vote by orders was called for by the deputation of Fond du Lac.

The Chair announced the result of the ballot on concurring with House of Bishops Message #56, Resolution B-5 on the Ordination of Women as follows:

114 votes cast
58 votes needed for affirmative action
60--Yes 39--No 15--Divided
113 votes cast
57 votes needed for affirmative action
64--Yes 36--No 13--Divided

Resolution carried in both orders.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #51)

Ten delegations requested to be polled, the results of which are:

Clerical Vote--Divided Lay Vote--Yes
Kline Yes Bull Yes
Baker Yes Brett No
Hovencamp No Chase Yes
Philipson No Armstrong Yes
Los Angeles
Clerical Vote--Divided Lay Vote--No
Hultgren No Fogg No
Regas Yes Holland No
Sadler No Marshall No
Kouletis Yes Bylin Yes
Clerical Vote--No Lay Vote--No
Trueman No Simpson No
Olnhausen No Sr. Mary Joan Yes
Leeson No Olnhausen No
Smith Yes Overton No
New Hampshire
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Yes
Getman Yes Abbott Yes
Werner No Nichols Yes
Sokoloff Yes Michael Yes
Corringham Yes Urion No
New York
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Yes
Gusweller No Auchinloss Yes
Hall Yes Sr. Andrea Yes
Uyeki Yes Lawrence Yes
Pike Yes Potter Yes
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Yes
Simpkins Yes Butler Yes
Wainwright Yes Barrett Yes
Prichard Yes Rockwell Yes
Stivers No Beardsley Yes
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Divided
Greenwood Yes Crump Yes
Matthews Yes McNeilly Yes
Tharp No Walker No
Winters Yes Ragon No
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Yes
Clayton Yes Daniel Yes
Smith Yes Gibson Yes
Costin Yes Park Yes
Beale No Larson No
Western Massachusetts
Clerical Vote--Yes Lay Vote--Divided
Crockett No Morgan Yes
Wissemann Yes Douglas No
Cox Yes Gilman Yes
Middleton Yes Mangam No

The Chair called upon the Chaplain to lead the House in prayers.

The Rev. Kenneth E. Trueman, Deputy from Milwaukee, was recognized to read the following statement:

We stand committed to the Episcopal Church, and we are determined to live and work within it. We cannot accept with a good conscience the action of this House.

Furthermore, we cannot acknowledge the authority of this General Convention to decide unilaterally and in the face of the expressed disapproval of our Roman, Old Catholic and Orthodox brethren, a question which ought to be decided by an ecumenical consensus.

The ordination and consecration of women priests and bishops will raise for us the gravest of questions: That is, how far this Church can accept such ministrations without fatally compromising its position as a Catholic and Apostolic Body. We ask our brothers in this House to take heart our resolution. We ask the whole Church to take note of our unshaken loyalty to the Episcopal Church, its teachings, its spirituality, its priesthood and its sacraments.

The Chair asked that all who wished to affirm and affix their signatures to the preceding statement please do so.

Abstract:   The 65th General Convention amends Canon Title III.9.1 to give women the right to ordination.