Resolution Number: 1982-A058
Title: Recommend Criteria for Re-industrialization Plans
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That this 67th General Convention of the Episcopal Church recommends to government, private corporations, and unions the following criteria for economic decisions and laws involving re-industrialization plans:

1. That, in addition to economic and competitive factors, such decisions take into consideration the common good of the community measured by whether the decisions:

a. Serve the goal of optimal employment for people;

b. Maintain wage and salary standards for all employees;

c. Support principles of collective bargaining;

d. Contribute to the stability of affected communities; and

2. That such decisions take into consideration long-range as well as short-range consequences, including whether the decisions:

a. Strengthen the existing industrial base or replace it with a substantial and equivalent alternative;

b. Contribute to the rational use of the industrial potential of workers in the affected community;

c. Make efficient use of increasingly scarce resources such as air, water, land, ores, minerals--particularly the non-renewable resources; and

3. That such decisions avoid increasing the concentration of power and wealth as is consistent with both biblical teachings about justice and American democratic traditions; and be it further

Resolved, 1. That each congregation of this Church be encouraged to undertake serious discussion of economic decisions by government, private corporations, and unions with respect to the above criteria, drawing upon the theological resources of Christian faith and the integrity of biblical teachings about justice; and

2. That the Secretary of this Convention is instructed to send copies of this resolution to the President of the United States and to appropriate members of the Administration; including the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor; to the President of the AFL/CIO and other appropriate labor officials; and to the Presidents of the United States Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers; and

3. That the Bishops of the several Dioceses be requested to send copies of this resolution to selected company presidents and labor leaders residing in their jurisdictions; and

4. That the Standing Commission on Health and Human Affairs, working in cooperation with the Church Center staff, make a fact-finding inquiry among Dioceses and their congregations concerning the issues and perceptions which arise from discussion about the reindustrialization process, with the aim of presenting the results to the next Convention of this Church.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, New Orleans, 1982 (New York: General Convention, 1983), p. C-150.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Human Affairs and Health
Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Committee on National and International Problems

House of Deputies

Original Text of Resolution:


Whereas, the earth is the Lord's creation and we are called to be stewards of that creation; and

Whereas, Christ's great commandments call us to love our neighbor as ourselves; and

Whereas, major industrial shifts in these United States are causing widespread unemployment and the visitation of economic crisis in many communities; therefore be it

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That this 67th General Convention of the Episcopal Church recommends to government, private corporations, and unions the following criteria for economic decisions and laws involving

re-industrialization plans:

1. That such decisions take into consideration the common good of the community measured by whether the decisions:

a. Serve the goal of optimal employment for people;

b. Maintain wage and salary standards for all employees;

c. Support practices of collective bargaining;

d. Contribute to the stability of affected communities; and

2. That such decisions take into consideration long-range as well as short-range consequences, including whether the decisions:

a. Strengthen the existing industrial base or replace it with a substantial and equivalent alternative;

b. Contribute to the rational use of the industrial potential of workers in the affected community;

c. Make efficient use of increasingly scarce resources such as air, water, land, ores, minerals--particularly the non-renewable resources; and

3. That such decisions avoid increasing the concentration of power and wealth as is consistent with both biblical teachings about justice and American democratic traditions; and be it further


1. That each congregation of this Church be encouraged to undertake serious discussion of economic decisions by government, private corporations, and unions with respect to the above criteria, drawing upon the theological resources of Christian faith and the integrity of biblical teaching about justice; and

2. That the Secretary of this Convention is instructed to send copies of this Resolution to the President of the United States and to appropriate members of the Administration, including the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor; to the president of the AFL-CIO and other appropriate labor officials; and to the presidents of the United States Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers; and

3. That the Bishops of the several dioceses be requested to send copies of this Resolution to selected company presidents and labor leaders residing in their jurisdictions; and

4. That the Standing Commission on Human Affairs and Health, working in cooperation with the Church Center staff, make a fact-finding inquiry among dioceses and their congregations concerning the issues and perceptions which arise from discussion about the reindustrialization process, with the aim of presenting the results to the next Convention of this Church.

The Committee recommended adoption of the resolution as amended by the Committee.

Deputy Sterling Newell, of Ohio, on behalf of the Dioceses of Ohio, Delaware, and Rio Grande called for a vote by orders.

Motion carried

Debate followed on the subject matter of Resolution A-58A.

A vote by orders was taken --Ballot 7, Resolution A-58A.

The Secretary announced the results of Ballot #7, Resolution A-58A.

Lay:   Yes--61 No--32 Divided--17 (Necessary--56)
Clerical:   Yes--88 No--14 Divided--9

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #48)

House of Bishops

On the fourth day, the Secretary read:

HD Message #48 --A-58A, Moral Criteria.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #81)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, September 8.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Human Affairs and Health, Reports to the 67th General Convention, 1982, pp. 117-143.
Abstract:   The 67th General Convention adopts moral criteria concerning economic decisions and re-industrialization plans and recommends them to government, private corporations, and unions. It asks the Church to become involved in understanding this issue.