Resolution Number: 1982-D030
Title: Endorse a Bilateral Freeze on the Testing and Production of Nuclear Weapons
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Substituted and Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That this General Convention:

  1. Endorses as a first step leading to a reduction of nuclear weapons a bilateral nuclear freeze and urges the President of the United States to propose a US/Soviet agreement to halt immediately the testing, production and further deployment of all nuclear weapons, missiles, and delivery systems in a way that can be verified on both sides;
  2. Commends President Reagan for his proposal to reduce radically the nuclear weapons of the world and urges the President to negotiate with the USSR for an immediate verifiable across-the-board reduction by fifty percent of the nuclear arsenals now being maintained by the two superpowers;
  3. Encourages the Executive Council, Dioceses, congregations and individual parishioners to communicate on a continuing basis to the Administration, to the Congress and within their local communities their support for these proposals, and to study and monitor future developments on these and related peace-making initiatives; and
  4. Directs the Secretary of this Convention to communicate this resolution to the President and the Vice President of the United States, to members of the Congress, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR.
Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, New Orleans, 1982 (New York: General Convention, 1983), p. C-125.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Committee on National and International Problems

House of Deputies

Original Text of Resolution:

(D030) Not Currently Available

The Committee recommended that a substitute resolution be adopted as rewritten by the Committee, combining Resolutions D030 and D032.

Deputy McGonigle of Texas, moved to amend the combined resolution.

Proposed Amendment:

Not Currently Available

Debate followed.

Motion lost

Amendment failed

Debate followed.

Deputy Casparian, of Kansas, moved to amend the substitute resolution.

Proposed Amendment:

Not Currently Available

Motion lost

Amendment failed

Deputy Zadig, of Massachusetts, moved the main question.

Motion carried

Deputy Hargrove, of Western Louisiana, moved that the vote on all peace-related issues be taken by raising hands.

Motion carried

The main motion was put to a vote.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #196)

House of Bishops

On the eighth day, the Bishop of Ohio, Chairman of the Committee on National and International Affairs [sic], moved concurrence with HD Message #196 (D-30S and D-32A).

Seconded by the Bishop of the Rio Grande.

The Bishop of Lexington moved to amend.

Proposed Amendment:

Delete the first paragraph of the Resolve clause.

Seconded by the Bishop of Georgia.

Motion failed

The Bishop of Indianapolis moved to amend:

Proposed Amendment:

In paragraph 2, line 1:

change "proposal" to "efforts."

Seconded by Bishop Rose.

Motion failed

[The previous question was called.]

The House concurred

(Communicated to House of Deputies in HB Message #189)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, September 12.

Abstract:   The 67th General Convention endorses a bi-lateral nuclear freeze and nuclear disarmament. It encourages Church-wide support for these proposals.