Resolution Number: 2009-A089
Title: Direct Completion of Tasks Assigned to the Commission on Liturgy and Music
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to complete the work on Daily Prayer and report back to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue the work of developing liturgical materials for inclusion in the Enriching Our Worship series for the pastoral issues in the context of adoption of children; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue to collect, develop and disseminate materials that assist members of the Church to address Christian anti-Judaism expressed in and stirred by portions of Christian scriptures and liturgical texts, including the preparation of a pamphlet explaining Christian anti-Judaism and ways to address it in teaching, evangelism and congregational life; the development of age-appropriate educational materials for children; the identification and evaluation of available resources pertaining to liturgy and music, giving special attention to Holy Week and Easter liturgies and to the diverse traditions of song in The Episcopal Church; and to report the results of its efforts to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention request that the Standing Commissions on Liturgy and Music and on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations develop a statement defining Christian anti-Judaism and why it demands our attention, and to report to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue the work begun in the World Music project; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to collect comprehensive data from across The Episcopal Church to determine congregational music needs and wants; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to undertake a substantial revision of the Book of Occasional Services and report its progress to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention request that liturgical and musical resources be made widely available not only in print but also in electronic format on the internet; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $136,500 for implementation of the projects requested in this resolution, and for any other projects that the 76th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to undertake in the 2010-2012 triennium, and any other projects required by the SCLM’s canonical mandates.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 2009 (New York: General Convention, 2009), p. 525.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music presented its Report #5 on Resolution A089 (Daily Prayer) and moved adoption with amendment.

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to complete the work on Daily Prayer and report back to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $15,000 for implementation of this resolution.

Committee Amendment:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to complete the work on Daily Prayer and report back to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue the work of developing liturgical materials for inclusion in the Enriching Our Worship series for the pastoral issues in the context of adoption of children; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue to collect, develop and disseminate materials that assist members of the Church to address Christian anti-Judaism expressed in and stirred by portions of Christian scriptures and liturgical texts, including the preparation of a pamphlet explaining Christian anti-Judaism and ways to address it in teaching, evangelism and congregational life; the development of age-appropriate educational materials for children; the identification and evaluation of available resources pertaining to liturgy and music, giving special attention to Holy Week and Easter liturgies and to the diverse traditions of song in The Episcopal Church; and to report the results of its efforts to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention request that the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops develop, in consultation with the Standing Commissions on Liturgy and Music and on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, a statement defining Christian anti-Judaism and why it demands our attention, and to report to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue the work begun in the World Music project; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to collect comprehensive data from across The Episcopal Church to determine congregational music needs and wants; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to undertake a substantial revision of the Book of Occasional Services and report its progress to the 77th General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention request that liturgical and musical resources be made widely available not only in print but also in electronic format on the internet; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $15,000 $136,500 for implementation of this resolution. the projects requested in this resolution, and for any other projects that the 76th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to undertake in the 2010-2012 triennium, and any other projects required by the SCLM’s canonical mandates.

The Bishop of Tennessee moved an amendment.

Proposed Amendment:

In the fourth resolve clause, delete the words “Theology Committee of the House of Bishops develop, in consultation with the” and delete the comma after the word “Relations.” Insert the word “develop” after the words “Interreligious Relations.”

Motion carried

Amendment adopted

A vote was taken on Resolution A089 as amended.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #30)

House of Deputies

Deputy Candler of Atlanta moved to suspend the rules to allow for consideration of Resolution A089 (Daily Prayer) as it had budget implications. The voice vote being inconclusive, the President called for a hand count.

Motion carried

Rules suspended

Deputy Cole of Colorado moved to extend the time of the House to conclude consideration of the resolution.

Motion carried

The House of Deputies Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music presented its Report #6 on Resolution A089 (Daily Prayer) and moved concurrence.

Deputy Thurlow of South Carolina moved to amend the resolution.

Proposed Amendment:

In the third resolve clause, delete the words “Christian scriptures and.”

Deputy Trambley of Northwestern Pennsylvania moved the previous question on the amendment.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on the proposed amendment.

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

Deputy Dawson of Eau Claire moved the previous question on the main motion.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on Resolution A089.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #109)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 12.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, Reports to the 76th General Convention, 2009, pp. 185-204.
Abstract:   The 76th General Convention directs completion of a number of liturgical assignments on Daily Prayer; the adoption of children; Christian anti-Judaism; the World Music project; congregational music; a substantial revision of the Book of Occasional Services, and distribution of liturgical and musical resources in print and on the internet.