Resolution Number: 2012-A094
Title: Establish Financial Assistance Fund for Deputies
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred
Final Text:

Resolved, That the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance consider establishing a fund for assistance for deputies from dioceses with financial need, to be administered by the General Convention Office, to ensure that in each Diocese, at least two Deputies from each Order may attend the 78th General Convention.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, 2012 (New York: General Convention, 2012), p. 510.

Legislative History

Author: Standing Commission on the Structure of the Church
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Stewardship and Development

House of Bishops

Resolution A094 (Establish Financial Assistance Fund for Deputies) and A087 (Resolution on Wealth) were removed from the Consent Calendar.

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Stewardship and Development presented its Report #1 on Resolution A094 (Establish Financial Assistance Fund for Deputies) and moved adoption.

Original Text of Resolution


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance consider establishing a fund for assistance for deputies from dioceses with financial need, to be administered by the General Convention Office, to ensure that in each Diocese, at least two Deputies from each Order may attend the 78th General Convention.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message # 71)

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Stewardship and Development presented its Report #9 on HB Message #71 on Resolution A094 (Establish Financial Assistance Fund for Deputies) and moved concurrence.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #152)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 9.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on the Structure of the Church, Reports to the 77th General Convention, 2012, pp. 533-553.
Abstract:   The 77th General Convention requests consideration of a fund to allow at least two deputies from dioceses with financial need to attend the 78th General Convention.