Resolution Number: 2015-D050
Title: Authorize Use of a Certain Eucharistic Form at a Principal Service
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Substituted
Final Text:

Resolved, That a bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority may authorize a congregation to use “An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist” (BCP pp. 400-405) at a principal Sunday or weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist, if the Eucharistic Prayer is written and submitted in advance of its use to the Bishop; while the BCP states that the rite “is not intended for use at the principal Sunday or weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist,” the BCP does not forbid its use in such contexts.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Salt Lake City, 2015 (New York: General Convention, 2015), pp. 932-933.

Legislative History

Author: The Rev. Calvin Sanborn
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music presented its Report #25 on Resolution D050 (Authorizing "An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist" as a Principal Service) and moved adoption of a substitute.

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That The Episcopal Church authorize “An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist” (BCP 400) for use at a principal Sunday or weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Committee Substitute:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That a bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority may authorize a congregation to use “An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist” (BCP pp. 400-405) at a principal Sunday or weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist, if the Eucharistic Prayer is written and submitted in advance of its use to the Bishop; while the BCP states that the rite “is not intended for use at the principal Sunday or weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist,” the BCP does not forbid its use in such contexts.

Motion carried

Substitute resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #164)

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music presented its Report #22 on HB Message #164 on Resolution D050 (Authorizing "An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist" as a Principal Service) and moved concurrence.

Deputy Anderson of Michigan moved to end debate on the motion to concur.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

An electronic vote was taken on the motion to concur.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #375)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 3.

Abstract:   The 78th General Convention authorizes "An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist" from the Prayer Book for use on a principal Sunday or at a weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist.