Full Legislative History
Resolution Number: 2018-A144
Title: Urge Jurisdictions to Engage in Regular Missional Review
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention finds it to be in the best interests of The Episcopal Church that all dioceses and other jurisdictions of the Church engage in the process of a missional review periodically but no less often than prior to engaging in an episcopal search process; and be it further

Resolved, That the missional review will seek to look thoroughly into the vitality and viability of the congregations and ministries of the diocese, seeking at all times to ask the deep discernment question “what is God calling us to be and do at this time and in this place.”

Topics for the missional review include but are not limited to

  • Worship and spiritual life;
  • Formation for all ages;
  • Engagement with the wider community, concern for neighbors and stranger, care for creation;
  • Stewardship of financial resources, property, and people;
  • Care for clergy and lay staff, policies and practices which seek equality and justice, recognizing the dignity and inherent worth of every human being;
  • Fellowship and collegiality among and between congregations, clergy, and ministries;
  • Areas of, and possibilities for, collaboration and networking, including with other dioceses and communion partners;
  • Opportunities for new communities of faith and redevelopment work;
  • Hopes, fears, and dreams.

A thorough review will seek examples of robust engagement and creative expressions in the various foci of review as well those places where increased time and attention must be paid in order to be become more vital, dynamic and sustainable; and be it further

Resolved, That the diocese undertaking the missional review shall seek assistance from the Office of Pastoral Development for the process of review and possibilities for consultants.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Austin, 2018 (New York: General Convention, 2018), p. 363.