85 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.

Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract
2022-A061 Amend Canon I.4.6.j [Of the Executive Council] Concurred as Amended The 80th General Convention amends Canon I.4.6(j) and directs Executive Council to create a mechanism for dioceses to gather self-identified demographic data to help address disparities in gender, gender identity and expression, age, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability status.
2022-A062 Require Diocesan Plan to Narrow Gender Equity Gaps Concurred The 80th General Convention requires each Diocese submit to the 81st General Convention a plan to narrow gender equity gaps after careful examination of the composition of diocesan bodies, clergy and lay staff gender pay equity, and demographics of parish leadership.
2022-A063 Create Staff Position for Director of LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries Concurred as Substituted and Amended The 80th General Convention directs the DFMS to establish a Director of LBGTQI and Women’s Ministries staff position to disseminate anti-sexism training modules, to collect data relevant to gender and sexual orientation, to develop multilingual and multicultural resources, and to provide training.
2022-A066 Establish Task Force for the Continuing Development of Anti-Harassment Practices Concurred The 80th General Convention directs the Executive Council to establish a task force to oversee the continuing development of anti-harassment best practices, model policy examples, and training materials.
2022-C063 Encourage Participation in "Thursdays in Black" Concurred The 80th General Convention encourages participation in the Thursdays in Black Campaign of the World Council of Churches and commits to work addressing and eliminating gender-based violence.
2022-C064 Designate the Observance of "Break the Silence Sunday" Concurred The 80th General Convention designates the Sunday closest to November 25th as Break The Silence Sunday.
2022-D049 Support of Public Policies for Adequate Surrogacy Protections Concurred The 80th General Convention supports public policies that understand a surrogate relationship is more than a financial transaction and protect the surrogate from exploitation during and after pregnancy.
2022-D054 On the Topic of Locating General Convention Based on Access to Reproductive Health Care Rejected The 80th General Convention rejects a resolution to consider relocating the 81st General Convention, as well as all future conventions, to venues that commit to an equitable access to women’s health care, including reproductive health care.
2022-D074 Refer a Resolution on Examining TEC's Role in Facilitating Forced Adoptions Referred The 80th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution appointing a working group to study the historical and current relationship of The Episcopal Church to the forced relinquishment and adoption of infants born to unwed mothers.
2022-D076 On the Topic of Addressing the Ongoing Harm of Crisis Pregnancy Centers Rejected The 80th General Convention rejects a resolution apologizing for the Church’s support of Crisis Pregnancy Centers and denouncing their work.
2022-D082 Address High Rates of Missing and Murdered Women and Girls of Color Concurred The 80th General Convention recognizes the neglected epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous and all women and girls of color and urges support of legislation to address the gaps in care, protection, and data collection needed to address this issue.
2022-D083 Affirm the Reproductive Rights and Autonomy of All Episcopalians Concurred The 80th General Convention affirms all Episcopalians should be able to access abortion services and birth control without restriction.
2018-A143 Study the Career Development of Female and Minority Clergy Concurred as Substituted The 79th General Convention calls for a study analyzing and making recommendations on career development for clergy who are women, transgender and nonbinary people, and racial or ethnic minorities.
2018-A178 Denounce Inhumane Immigration Policies and Advocate on Behalf of Migrants Concurred The 79th General Convention calls for a halt to punitive, inhumane, and unjust policies and practices by the U.S. government in its treatment of immigrants, especially women, parents, children and others with special needs, and urges advocacy for addressing vulnerable migrants.
2018-B027 Encourage Gender-Inclusive Responses to Climate Change Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention calls for public policy advocacy of gender inclusive responses to climate change and for women’s leadership on climate justice; and also encourages budgetary support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
2018-C032 Endorse the EPCAT Code of Conduct Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention supports the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism; encourages members to patronize businesses committed to the code; and recommends adding trafficking information to Safe Church Policies.
2018-C060 Create a Task Force on Sexism and Its Impact Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention authorizes a task force to research sexism and gender-based harassment in The Episcopal Church and provide resources to combat sexism in the church.
2018-D014 Urge Equitable Access to Prenatal and Maternal Health Care Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention reaffirms the availability of pre-natal care for all and directs the Government Relations Office to advocate for maternal health care as a human right, and expresses concern over disparity of care for poor women and women of color.
2018-D016 Create a Task Force for Women, Truth, and Reconciliation Concurred as Substituted The 79th General Convention expresses repentance for the sin of gender-based discrimination and authorizes a Task Force for Women, Truth, and Reconciliation to conduct a church-wide survey on harassment and abuse and an audit of national church structures, and to devise a Truth and Reconciliation process to respond to their findings.
2018-D023 Create an Anti-Sexism Task Force Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention authorizes an Anti-Sexism Task Force to develop a training program to address systemic sexism within the church and the larger society.
2018-D031 Urge Church Awareness and Response to Domestic Violence Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention encourages Episcopalians to educate themselves about domestic violence in their churches and communities, and urges them to examine their response to survivors of domestic violence.
2018-D032 Advocate for Gender Equity, Including Reproductive Rights, in Healthcare Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention expresses support for legislation making healthcare accessible to all, regardless of gender or economic status, and calls for reproductive healthcare to be treated as all other medical procedures are.
2018-D040 Refer a Resolution on the Status of Women Church Musicians Referred The 79th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to study the status of women musicians including their development, compensation, and selection for employment.
2015-A031 Continue Development of the Clergy Search Toolkit Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention directs the continued development of the Search Toolkit and urges its use by search committees, transition ministries and female clergy.
2015-A032 Establish a Women's Ministries Staff Position Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention directs that a staff person be funded to serve as a catalyst for women's ministries across the Church.
2015-A033 Support Latinas in Ordained Ministry Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention directs that steps be taken to advance Latinas in ordained leadership and remove barriers to the ordination process.
2015-A034 Support Latinas in Developing Leadership Skills Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention directs that support be given to programs that develop leadership skills in Latina youth and young adults.
2015-A049 Prioritize Gender Equality Concerns in Foreign and Church Aid Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention recommends a set of standards to follow on gender equality and empowerment of women and transgendered persons when considering the distribution of foreign and Church aid.
2015-D054 Refer a Resolution on Violence Against Women Referred The 78th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution to appoint a task force to prepare educational materials regarding violence against women.
2012-A052 Authorize Propers and Propose Calendar Commemorations Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention directs that the Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music identify women for inclusion in the Church Calendar, and authorizes the trial use of propers for seven commemorations as revised.
2012-A138 Urge an End to Statelessness and Discriminatory Practices Concurred The 77th General Convention asserts the right to nationality and urges the U.S. government and international community to end discrimination against women and children that renders them vulnerable to statelessness.
2012-A139 Endorse Efforts Against Gender Violence Concurred The 77th General Convention endorses actions against gender-based violence named in a Primates Letter to the Anglican Communion and encourages local Church awareness of the issue.
2012-A140 Advocate for Maternal and Infant Health Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention directs the Church and its insurance providers to take action to advocate and support maternal health and infant development.
2012-A141 Consider Funding for the Episcopal Women’s Organizations Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention requests consideration of funds for a Council of Episcopal Women’s Organizations meeting.
2012-A143 Develop a Search Tool Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention directs that a search tool be developed for ministry discernment committees and female clergy applicants.
2012-A144 Monitor Underrepresented Groups in Episcopal Elections Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention requests the Office of Pastoral Development to monitor episcopal elections to gather data on gender, race, and cultural bias in the selection of nominees and those elected to office, and to report annually to Executive Council.
2012-D042 Fight Human Trafficking Concurred as Amended The 77th General Convention recommits to protecting human-trafficking victims by supporting legislation and dialogue; and requests each province to appoint a person to coordinate sharing of resources.
2009-A167 Support Actions to Protect Victims of Human Trafficking Concurred as Amended The 76th General Convention calls for the protection of all victims of human trafficking; and urges actions oriented to the recovery of victims; and recommends dioceses collaborate to eradicate this form of modern day slavery.
2009-B019 Affirm Anglican Women's Empowerment Group Concurred as Substituted The 76th General Convention affirms the Anglican Women's Empowerment of The Episcopal Church whose mission is to support adult women and young girls throughout the Anglican Communion.
2006-A139 Celebrate Women in Ministry Concurred as Amended The 75th General Convention thanks and celebrates women in ministry and encourages dioceses to do the same.
2006-A140 Respond to Needs of Retiring Female Clergy Concurred as Amended The 75th General Convention affirms the work of the Church Pension Group in considering ways to respond to the needs of retiring clergy women.
2006-D024 Support Equal Participation of Women and Men on Interim Bodies Concurred as Amended The 75th General Convention endorses the Anglican Consultative Council's Resolution 13/31 on equal participation of women and men on all decision-making bodies of the ACC.
2006-D045 Amend Canon III.1.2 [Of the Ministry of All Baptized Persons] Concurred as Substituted The 75th General Convention amends Canon III.1 to restore "Equally Applicable" language to the Canons for the admission of men and women Candidates for the Ordination.
2003-A025 Fund Resource Materials on Trafficking in Women and Children Concurred as Substituted The 74th General Convention recommends that Executive Council provide funding for resource materials on trafficking in women and children for use by dioceses and congregations.
2003-A027 Use Preferred Forms of Address for Men, Women, and Groups Concurred as Substituted The 74th General Convention encourages Church bodies to respect the equality of men and women by using preferred forms of address for individuals and for groups.
2003-A028 Encourage Support for Women and Children in War-Torn Areas Concurred as Substituted and Amended The 74th General Convention encourages dioceses to assist all Episcopalians in learning about the plight of and providing support for women and children in war-torn areas.
2003-A030 Develop Educational Resources Based on 21st Century Survey Data Concurred as Amended The 74th General Convention directs Church Center staff to develop educational resources on the Church’s response to women’s issues by using data from the 21st Century Survey.
2003-D034 Condemn Sex Trafficking Concurred as Amended The 74th General Convention condemns domestic and international sex trafficking.
2000-A057 Support Efforts to Stop Trafficking of Women, Girls, and Boys Concurred as Amended The 73rd General Convention recognizes the problem of and supports efforts to stop trafficking of women, girls, and boys.
1997-A053 Implement Mandatory Rights of Women Clergy under Canon Law Concurred As Amended The 72nd General Convention affirms that the canons regarding the ordination, licensing and deployment of women are mandatory and that non-compliant dioceses shall give status reports on their progress toward full implementation.
1997-B027 Prepare Liturgical Music Supplements by and About Women Concurred The 72nd General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Church Music to prepare and fund a liturgical music supplement by and about women.
1997-C017 Support Asylum Rights of Women Fleeing Mutilation Concurred as Amended The 72nd General Convention supports the rights of women fleeing genital mutilation to be granted refugee status and asylum in the United States.
1994-A049 Encourage Ministries That Respond to Violence Against Women Concurred The 71st General Convention condemns violence against women and encourages awareness of the issue and the Church's response through special ministries, provincial and diocesan consultations, resource people, educational materials, and training.
1994-A054 Reaffirm General Convention Statement on Childbirth and Abortion Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 71st General Convention reaffirms Resolution 1988-C047 of the 69th General Convention on childbirth and abortion stressing the sacredness of human life. It expresses opposition to governmental restrictions on information or access to abortion.
1994-A055 Urge Government Funding in Matters Affecting the Health of Women Concurred As Amended The 71st General Convention urges the government to provide adequate funding and support for research, prevention and treatment in matters affecting women's health and quality of life.
1994-B035 Give Thanks for Witness of the Episcopal Church Women Concurred The 71st General Convention gives thanks for the presence and witness of the Episcopal Church Women and expresses gratitude for the Convention forum on sexism.
1994-C004 Reaffirm Canon on Equal Access to Ordination Process for Men and Women Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 71st General Convention reaffirms Canon Title III.8.1 which guarantees to both men and women access to the ordination process. It recognizes the theological positions of those who support and those who oppose the ordination of women and directs that a committee discuss how the canon can be implemented in every diocese.
1994-D105 Commend the Work of Pregnancy Care Centers Concurred As Amended The 71st General Convention commends Church members who minister through pregnancy care centers which stress unconditional love and acceptance for women and their unborn children.
1991-A057 Support the WCC's "Ecumenical Decade: Church in Solidarity with Women" Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention affirms its support for the "Ecumenical Decade: Churches in Solidarity with Women."
1991-A091 Endorse United Nations' Statement on Discrimination Against Women Concurred The 70th General Convention supports the Executive Council endorsement of the United Nations "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women" adopted in 1979. The Convention expresses concern over the failure of the US Congress to ratify this statement.
1991-D059 Urge Medicaid to Fund Norplant Implants Concurred The 70th General Convention urges state Medicaid offices to make funds available for Norplant implants.
1991-D067 Recognize and Report on the Pauperization of Women and Children Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention recognizes the seriousness of the pauperization of women and children. It calls on the Church to provide opportunities for and assistance to those in poverty. It requests a report documenting the pauperization crisis.
1991-D096 Include Women and Children in HIV/AIDS Funding Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention calls upon Congress to include issues of women and children in AIDS/HIV research and treatment. It asks that health agencies define the eligibility requirements for treatment of HIV/AIDS in women and children.
1991-D175 Celebrate Ministries of Ordained Women at the 1994 General Convention Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention affirms the ministries of women and requests a Eucharist at the 1994 General Convention to celebrate these ministries.
1988-A074 Request a Balance of Women and Men on Appointed Church Bodies Concurred The 69th General Convention requests that the Presiding Bishop, the President of the House of Deputies, and diocesan leadership strive to achieve a balance of women and men appointed to interim bodies.
1988-A077 Request the Presiding Bishop to Appoint a Committee on the Status of Women Concurred The 69th General Convention requests that the Presiding Bishop appoint a Committee on the Status of Women.
1988-A078 Commend the Full Participation of Women to the Lambeth Conference Concurred The 69th General Convention commends the Presiding Bishop for his intention to convey to the 1988 Lambeth Conference the Church's commitment to the full ministerial participation of women.
1988-A079 Endorse the "Ecumenical Decade: Churches in Solidarity With Women" Concurred The 69th General Convention endorses the Ecumenical Decade: Churches in Solidarity with Women.
1988-D062 Urge Government to Abolish the Lexington Women's Control Unit Concurred The 69th General Convention urges the U.S. Government to abolish the Lexington Women's Control Unit and other similar institutions.
1988-D080 Urge Placement of Women and People of Color as Interim Pastors Concurred The 69th General Convention urges placement of women and people of color as interim pastors.
1985-B013 Express the Mind of the House on Gender and the Episcopate Adopted The House of Bishops of the 68th General Convention states that the majority of its members do not intend to withhold consent to the election of any bishop on ground of gender.
1985-B030 Study the Ecumenical Considerations of Electing Women to the Episcopate Concurred As Amended The 68th General Convention asks the Presiding Bishop to appoint a committee to study the ordination of women as bishops.
1985-C021 Urge Bishops to Work for the Election of Women to the Episcopate Rejected The 68th General Convention rejects the resolution urging bishops to work for the election of women to the episcopate.
1985-C023 Eradicate Institutional Sexism and Pursue Affirmative Action Concurred The 68th General Convention calls the Church to eradicate institutional sexism and to pursue a course of affirmative action through hiring women.
1985-D027 Appoint a Group to Study the Participation of Women in Church Life Concurred As Substituted The 68th General Convention requests a study of women's participation in Church life and developement of a policy for women's full participation.
1985-D033 Work for Increases in Federal Aid to Poor Women and Children Concurred As Substituted The 68th General Convention asks Church bodies to work to increase federal programs to aid women and children.
1985-D101 Request the Addition of Women to the Church Calendar Concurred As Amended The 68th General Convention requests the addition of women to the Church Calendar.
1982-A030 Amend Canon III.9.1 [Applicability of Provisions for Ordination] Concurred The 67th General Convention amends Canon Title III.9.1 to extend the applicability of the general provisions on ordination to include postulants.
1979-A006 Amend and Renumber Canons I.7, III.26 as follows:
Canon I.7 [Add Sec. 7: Pensions for Women]
Canon III.26 [Repeal Sec. 26: Of Women in the Diaconate]
Concurred As Amended The 66th General Convention repeals Canon Title III.26 and amends Canon Title I.7 to provide pensions for women in the diaconate.
1979-D053 Include Women in Convention Worship Services Concurred As Substituted The 66th General Convention encourages the planners of all future General Conventions to include women in all Orders in official worship services.
1976-B005 Amend Canon III.9 [Add Sec. 1: Of General Provisions Respecting Ordination] Concurred The 65th General Convention amends Canon Title III.9.1 to give women the right to ordination.
1976-B118 Amend Canon III.26.7 [Pensions for Women in the Diaconate] Concurred As Substituted The 65th General Convention amends Canon Title III.26.7 to provide equal pension benefits to women ordained to the diaconate.
1976-B300 Express Mind of the House of Bishops on Irregularly Ordained Women Adopted The House of Bishops of the 65th General Convention adopts the Theology Report concerning the reconciliation of irregularly ordained women.
1976-C066 Consider Ways of Fostering Fair Employment Practices for Women in Ministry Concurred The 65th General Convention asks the Executive Council to consider ways and means of supporting creative and fair employment practices for women in ministry.
1976-D029 Promote Programs Concerning Discrimination Against Women in the Church Concurred The 65th General Convention urges the Executive Council to promote programs concerning the Church's past role, present anxiety, and future action with respect to the status and position of women.
Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract