Title: Implementation of Canons Regarding the Ordination of Women
ID: EXC012000.01
Committee: Congregations in Ministry (report 1a)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Jan. 17-20, 2000, New Orleans, p. 15.

Resolved, [That Executive Council present the following resolution in its Blue Book Report to the next General Convention:]

Resolved, The House of _____________________ concurring, that the 73rd General Convention commend the progress made by the Diocese of San Joaquin and note the responses of the Dioceses of Fort Worth and Quincy regarding the implementation of Canons III.8.1, III.16.1(d), III.16.2, and III.17.3 as required by Resolution 97-A053a; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council and the House of Bishops continue to monitor progress in all dioceses toward the full implementation of Canons III.8.1, III.16.1(d), III.16.2, and III.17.3, in particular, in the dioceses of Fort Worth and Quincy; and be it further

Resolved, That the dioceses of Forth Worth and Quincy be encouraged to honor the above mentioned canons of the church by bringing women into the full life and ministry of the church; and be it further

Resolved, That reports of this monitoring be received prior to the Fall 2002 meetings of Executive Council and the House of Bishops and be presented to the 74th General Convention.

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