Title: Advocacy for a Federal Budget that Expresses Shared Moral Priorities
ID: EXC022011.10
Committee: Advocacy and Networking (report 27)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Feb. 18, 2011, Fort Worth, TX, p. 16.

Resolved, That President Obama’s fiscal-year 2012 federal budget proposes significant cuts to a variety of federal programs, including some that help the poor and vulnerable at home and around the world and certain other congressional budget proposals call for even deeper cuts in non-discretionary spending; and be it further

Resolved, That a conversation is emerging in Congress and among the American public about the principles of responsible federal budgeting, including the effectiveness and efficiency of federal spending and the role of federal revenue; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, February 16-18, 2011, urges Congress, the President and all federal policymakers, when considering cuts to federal programs, to examine all programs for their efficiency and effectiveness in responding to the needs of the nation, exempting none from such scrutiny, and to examine revenue streams to ensure that federal tax policy generates adequate revenue to provide for the common good without causing harm to those who can least afford it; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church directs the Standing Commission on Social Justice and Public Policy to examine these federal budget issues and to make policy recommendations to the 77th General Convention and urges all Episcopalians in the United States to engage in advocacy for a responsible federal budget that expresses the shared moral priorities of the nation.

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