Title: Appointment of Committee to Ensure Implementation of Resolution D042
ID: EXC022014.24
Committee: Advocacy and Networking for Mission (report 26)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Feb. 5-7, 2014, Linthicum Heights, MD, pp. 23-24.

Resolved, That the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, meeting February 5-7, 2014, in Linthicum Heights, Maryland, reaffirms the commitment of the 77th General Convention expressed in Resolution D042 to:

  • “protecting victims of human trafficking, particularly women and children, by continuing to support legislation and action oriented to recovery and reintegration of trafficking victims into society,”
  • “recommends all dioceses utilize the resources of these two organizations [Anglican Women’s Empowerment and the Executive Council Committee on the Status of Women] to provide education on this insidious form of modern day slavery,”
  • directs “the provinces of The Episcopal Church appoint a person from each province who will coordinate with the Commission on the Status of Women, or another appropriate committee of Executive Council to allow sharing of additional vital resources on human trafficking,” and
  • directs “each province of The Episcopal Church begin a dialogue with another province to recognize how both domestic and international trafficking affects the peoples of their provinces;”; and be it further

Resolved, That in order to assure the effective, thorough, and collaborative implementation of the policies adopted by the 77th General Convention through Resolution D042, the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies shall by March 31, 2014, appoint a D042 coordinating committee that will include:

  1. The Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies, as Chair and Vice Chair of the Executive Council (or a designee of each), who shall appoint a convener from among the coordinating committee members;
  2. The Chair of the Executive Council Joint Standing Committee on Advocacy and Networking for Mission, or one substitute as may be designated by the Committee Chair;
  3. The Chair of the Executive Council Joint Standing Committee on World Mission, or one substitute as may be designated by the Committee Chair;
  4. The Chair of the Executive Council Committee on the Status of Women, or one substitute as may be designated by the Committee Chair;
  5. The Chair of the Standing Commission on Social Justice and Public Policy, or one substitute as may be designated by the Commission Chair;
  6. One or more persons with significant experience in one or more of the local faith-based organizations actively engaged in the work of protecting victims of human trafficking or advocacy and education on the issue of human trafficking;
  7. Such staff of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society as may be designated by the Presiding Bishop; and be it further

Resolved, That this coordinating committee shall seek to conduct business by teleconference and that any other activities, including the consultation of outside experts whose input is deemed necessary by the group, shall be done at the expense of the interim bodies whose members are constituent of this coordinating committee, or as approved by Executive Council; and be it further

Resolved, That this coordinating committee shall provide a report on its activities to the Executive Council to be included as part of Executive Council’s triennial Blue Book report for the 78th General Convention.

Supplementary Text: