Title: Consent to ECW National Board Nominees for Election
ID: EXC042018.20
Committee: Governance and Administration for Mission (report 16)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, April 21-23, 2018, Austin, TX, p. 14.

Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting in Austin, Texas, from April 21-23, 2018, consents to the nomination by the Presiding Bishop of the slate of nominees for election to the Episcopal Church Women National Board recommended by the ECW National Board Nominating Committee.

Nominees for the 2018-2021 National Board of Episcopal Church Women

  • President: Jackie Meeks (Province VII–Fort Worth) and Karen Patterson (Province IV–SW Florida)
  • 1st Vice President – Program: Patricia Wellnitz (Province VI–Nebraska)
  • 2nd Vice President – Information and Communication: None
  • Secretary: Samar Fay (Province VI–Colorado)
  • At-Large Multimedia: Michelle Kuruma (Province VIII–Los Angeles) and Laura Orcutt (Province VIII–Utah)
  • At-Large Social Justice: Delores Alleyne (Province I–Connecticut), Suzanne Miller (Province VIII–Utah), The Rev. Deacon Ema Rosero Nordalm (Province I–Massachusetts)
  • Treasurer: None
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