Title: Support for General Convention Resolution on Abortion Rights
ID: EXC051978.30
Committee: Church in Society (report 10a)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, May 17-19, 1978, Greenwich, CT, pp. 51-53.

Whereas, This Council has received communications from the Episcopal Women's Caucus and the Episcopal Churchwomen of the Diocese of Washington asking this Council to commit the Episcopal Church to membership in the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights; and

Whereas, The Church through the action of its General Convention meeting in Seattle in 1967 and in Minneapolis in 1976 has established a position on this subject which provides for termination of pregnancy where "the physical or mental health of the mother is threatened seriously, or where there is substantial reason to believe that the child would be born badly deformed in mind or body, or where the pregnancy has resulted from rape or incest," and "that in those cases where it is firmly and deeply believed by the person or persons concerned that pregnancy should be terminated for causes other than the above, members of this Church are urge to seek the advice and counsel of a priest of this Church, and, where appropriate, penance"; and

Whereas, The position of the Coalition appears to advocate an unconditional right to abortion; therefore be it

Resolved, That this Council notify the Episcopal Women's Caucus and the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Washington that it believes that to comply with the request of the Episcopal Women's Caucus and the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Washington would be inconsistent with the General Convention resolution, and therefore does not comply with the request"; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council continues to support the General Convention resolution which provides:

that the Episcopal Church express its unequivocal opposition to any legislation on the part of the national or state governments which would abridge or deny the right of individuals to reach informed decisions in this matter and to act upon them.

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