Title: Support for WCC Position on Women in the Church and the World
ID: EXC111987.25
Committee: World Mission
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Nov. 17-20, 1987, Princeton, NJ, p. 70.

Resolved, That the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America declare its support for the Ecumenical Decade -- The Churches in Solidarity with Women, Eastertide 1988-1998 initiated by the World Council of Churches; and be it further

Resolved, That provinces, dioceses, parishes, committees and commissions of the Episcopal Church be encouraged to engage in work to improve the status of women in the Church and the world through prayer and worship, faith and action programs, disciplined reflection and appropriate legislation, and that Episcopalians be encouraged to join with other Churches and organizations, in a spirit of ecumenicity, to celebrate and actively foster the ministries of women and ministry with women in the Church and the world.

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