Audio and Video
Audio: Viewpoints Interviews
The Rev. Malcolm Boyd (1963)

The Rev. Malcolm Boyd draws on his experiences as a university chaplain to explain youth culture and the challenges facing young people, and discusses the moral consequences of mass media, 1963.
James Brown, Musician (July 22, 1969)

Musician James Brown talks about what it means to be “black and proud", 1969.
The Rev. Dr. John B. Coburn (June 19, 1968)

The Rev. Dr. John B. Coburn reflects upon his time in Harlem and on the resilience of the human spirit in even the worst environments, 1968.
Dr. James Cone, Professor of Theology (No Date)

Dr. James Cone, Professor of Theology and author of “Black Theology and Black Power”, explains the fundamental liberating message of “black theology” and the importance of an equality of power before reconciliation is possible.
The Rt. Rev. John E. Hines (1967)

Bishop Hines predicts the issues that will be the focus of the 1967 General Convention in Seattle.
The Rt. Rev. John E. Hines (July 14, 1965)

Bishop Hines considers the role and responsibilities of both clergy and lay ministry in the world, 1965.
The Rt. Rev. John E. Hines (1970)

Presiding Bishop Hines discusses the General Convention Special Program and the Church’s response to racial crisis, 1970.
Langston Hughes, Writer (No Date)

Poet Langston Hughes reads two of his works, “The Feet of Jesus” and “My Lord,” and discusses the influence of spirituals on the rhythms of his poetry.
Robert F. Kennedy, Senator (January 26, 1968)

Senator Robert F. Kennedy reflects upon the disparity between America’s moral leadership in the world and the very real problems of inequity, poverty, and racism within America itself, 1968.
Muhammed Kenyatta, Community Organizer (September 4, 1969)

Muhammed Kenyatta, vice-chairman of the Black Economic Development Conference, explains why he believes that the Black Manifesto cannot fail, and draws a distinction between religious conviction and political action, 1969.
Dr. Martin Luther King Sr., Minister (1970)

Dr. Martin Luther King Sr., minister and father of the assassinated Civil Rights leader, discusses his life in Christ and the importance of setting aside hate, 1970.
The Rev. Daisuke Kitagawa (1965)

Father Kitagawa reflects on the ability of otherwise kind and rational people to be swayed by mob prejudices, connecting his own internment during World War II to the problem of racism in the 1960s, 1965.
C. Eric Lincoln, Professor of Sociology (No Date)

Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, Professor of Sociology, offers his definition of racism as "a consensus which operates as a conspiracy," and considers the shortcomings and the possibilities of the role of the Church in ending discrimination.
Leon Modeste, Director of General Convention Special Program (July 19, 1968)

Leon Modeste, the Director of the General Convention Special Program, maintains that integration is not a possibility in the near future, and discusses the GCSP's role and methods in improving the situation, 1968.
Jackie Robinson, Athlete And Businessman (1964)

Drawing on his experience in baseball, Jackie Robinson explains his belief that there is no fundamental difference between the races that cannot be overcome by mutual respect and goodwill, 1964.
The Rev. Paul Washington (1968).

Father Washington discusses the dehumanization experienced by the black community, and the importance and power of community organization, 1968.
Charles Wright, Author (July 7, 1963)

Author Charles Wright contrasts the impossibility of coercion to sway hearts and minds with the possibility of necessary violence to effect positive change, 1963.
Charles Willie, Professor of Sociology (Feb. 12, 1969)

Dr. Charles Willie, Professor of Sociology, explores the problem of growing urban diversity coupled with increasing neighborhood segregation, and discusses the interdependence of the races, 1969.
The Rev. Nathan Wright Jr. (April 18, 1968 (Interview 1))

The Rev. Nathan Wright Jr. discusses the effect of unplanned urban growth and dislocation on urban Black populations, 1968.
The Rev. Nathan Wright Jr. (April 18, 1968 (Interview 2))

The Rev. Nathan Wright Jr. addresses the root cause of the "violence" in race riots, 1968.
Other Audio Included in Exhibit
"Black And White" PSA

"Black and White," a public service radio announcement produced by the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, explores the unspoken undertones of language.
"Free, White And 21" PSA

"Free, White and 21," a public service radio announcement produced by the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, reminds listeners of the true meaning behind an often-repeated phrase.
"Eenie, Meenie" PSA

"Eenie Meenie," a a public service radio announcement produced by the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, turns the tables on a racist childhood chant.
The Saga Of Selma

Excerpt from "The Saga of Selma," a March 1965 radio program produced by John Morris, Executive Director of ESCRU, documenting a confrontation in Selma, Alabama.
Special General Convention Highlights

An audio recording of highlights from the Special General Convention, 1969
Video Clips Included in Exhibit
Conference On Afro-Anglicanism, October 29, 1985

Attendees of the Conference on Afro-Anglicanism speak about the aims and outcomes of the gathering. October 29, 1985.
Silent Film Of Bishop Payne School

A brief silent film looking at the campus, students and trustees of the Bishop Payne Divinity School, c. 1920.
Silent Film Of Fort Valley And Calhoun Schools

A silent film tour of the campus, faculty, class work and student life at Fort Valley and Calhoun schools, c. 1920.
Silent Film Of St. Paul's College

A 1920s-era silent tour of St. Paul’s College, with scenes of typical student life.
Pauli Murray From TV Series "On The Road", 1985

Video featuring Pauli Murray, from TV series "On the Road", 1985.