Collection: Leadership
Pauli Murray From TV Series "On The Road", 1985
Video featuring Pauli Murray, from TV series "On the Road", 1985.
Allin's First Press Conference, 1973
Presiding Bishop-elect John Maury Allin at his first press conference, General Convention, 1973.
Allin With Gressle At 1979 General Convention
Presiding Bishop John Allin (left) at the 1979 General Convention with Rt. Reverend Lloyd E. Gressle of Bethlehem.
Allin With Luwum Of Uganda, 1975
On a visit to Uganda Presiding Bishop Allin, center-right, sits with Archbishop Janani Luwum of Uganda, center-left, 1975. Luwum was tragically killed by Uganda’s militant government in 1977 after facing accusations of conspiracy against President…
Bowie and Thompson
The Reverend Harry Bowie with fellow HAC board member and Democratic chairman of the U.S. Homeland Security Committee Congressman Rep. Bennie G. Thompson. Photo courtesy of the Housing Assistance Council.
Boyd At ESCRU Demonstration, Chicago 1965
Malcolm Boyd (holding sign) at the ESCRU demonstration in Chicago, Illinois, 1965.
Study In Color
Boyd, left, with actor Woodie King, Jr., in a Detroit coffeehouse theater performing Boyd's play "Study in Color," c. 1963. Later they appeared in a performance in Washington National Cathedral and another on NBC TV, c. 1990.