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Bibliographic Sources


Free African Society

Bragg, G. The First Negro Organization: The Free African Society, Church Advocate Press, Baltimore, MD (1924).

Bragg, G. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church, Church Advocate Press, Baltimore, MD (1922).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Payne Divinity School

Harris, O. The Bishop Payne Divinity School: A History of the Seminary to Prepare Black Men for the Ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA (1980).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the DFMS: Executive Council Missionary Program Photographic Records, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Freedmen’s Bureau

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).


Bragg, G. Afro-American Church Work and Workers, Church Advocate Print, Baltimore, MD (1904).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Bragg, G. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church, Church Advocate Press, Baltimore, MD (1922).

Segregation & Integration

Records of the Episcopal Commission for Black Ministries, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the DFMS: Executive Council Missionary Program Photographic Records, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

George F. Bragg

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Hayden, J. C. “‘For Zion’s Sake I will not hold my peace’: George Freeman Bragg, Jr., Priest, Pastor and Prophet,” Linkage, 6 (1986).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

American Church Institute 

American Church Institute

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the American Church Institute and Church-related Schools, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopal Commission for Black Ministries, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Black Colleges

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the American Church Institute and Church-related Schools, The Archives of the Episcopal Church, RG61 and RG94.

Records of the Episcopal Commission for Black Ministries, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.



Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of The Reverend John B. Morris, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Jonathan Daniels

Eagles, C. Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL (2000).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of the Reverend Canon Henri Alexandre Stines, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Lent Book Burning

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

The Lovett School

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

The Prayer Pilgrimage

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Two Issues at Sewanee

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

South Africa & Apartheid

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

St. John’s Hospital

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.



Bragg, G. Afro-American Church Work and Workers, Church Advocate Print, Baltimore, MD (1904).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Church and City

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Church and City Conference, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Joint Urban Program, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Urban Bishops Coalition, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Black Power

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of the Reverend Canon Henri Alexandre Stines, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Rodman, E. Let There Be Peace Among Us: A Story of the Union of Black Episcopalians, Brunswick Publishing Corporation, Lawrenceville, VA (1990).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopal Commission for Black Ministries, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Special General Convention

Special General Convention

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Special Program of the General Convention, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Conservative Reaction

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Black Manifesto

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Executive Council, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Special Program of the General Convention, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Communications Department, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

John Hines

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Kesselus, K. John E. Hines: Granite on Fire, The Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, TX (1995).

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Special Program of the General Convention, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

John Maury Allin

Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of The Most Reverend John Maury Allin, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.



Records of Forward Movement Publications, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Ethnic Congregational Development

Records of the Black Ministry Office, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Sin of Racism

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of National Church Publications: Printed Documents, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Leadership Gallery


Bragg, G. The First Negro Organization: The Free African Society, Church Advocate Press, Baltimore, MD (1924).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1999).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Communications Department: Diocesan Press Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of The Most Reverend John Maury Allin, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Lewis, H. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Lewis, H. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Boyd, M. (Ed.) The Underground Church, Penguin Books, Inc., Baltimore, MD (1968).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1938).

Lewis, H. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Hayden, J.C. “‘For Zion’s Sake I will not hold my peace’: George Freeman Bragg, Jr., Priest, Pastor and Prophet,” Linkage, 6 (1986).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).


Dunn, D. E. A History of the Episcopal Church in Liberia, 1821-1980, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ (1992).

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of the Right Reverend George Browne and Records of the Diocese of Liberia, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Communications Department, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the American Church Institute and Church-related Schools, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Oldfield, J. Alexander Crummell (1819-1898) and the Creation of an African-American Church in Liberia, Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd., Wales (1990).

Dunn, D.E. A History of the Episcopal Church in Liberia, 1821-1980, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ (1992).

Ejofodomi, L. "The Missionary Career of Alexander Crummell in Liberia: 1853 to 1873," Diss. Boston University (1974).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Overseas Department: Liberia, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Microfilm Collections: The Papers of The Reverend Alexander Crummell, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1962).

Collections of Leome Culmer on the Reverend John Edwin Culmer, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Curry, M. B.  Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus.  New York: Morehouse Publishing (2013).

Goodstein, L.  “Episcopal Church’s First Black Leader, a Gay Marriage Backer, Focuses on Race.” The New York Times, March 18, 2016. 

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2015)

Associated Press, "Episcopal Church Elects Its First Black Presiding Bishop." The New York Times, June 27, 2015. 


Eagles, C. Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL (2000).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Papers of the Reverend Canon Henri Alexandre Stines, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Davis, K. Emancipation Still Comin': Explorations in Caribbean Emancipatory Theology, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY (1990).

Alleyne, George A.O., “Tribute to Rev. Dr. Kortright Davis.” Remarks from a ceremony in honor of Kortwright Davis, 24 August 2013, Holy Comforter Church, Washington, D.C.


Bragg, G. Afro-American Church Work and Workers, Church Advocate Print, Baltimore, MD (1904).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1926).

Delany, S., et. al. Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years, Kodansha America, Inc., New York, NY (1993).

Laing, B. “Henry Beard Delany and Emma Beard Delany: Two African Americans who rose from the obscurity of an enslaved family to achieve distinguished success in their individual lives," Diss. The Union Institute, (2002).


Bragg, G. Afro-American Church Work and Workers, Church Advocate Print, Baltimore, MD (1904).

Beary, M. Black Bishop: Edward T. Demby and the Struggle for Racial Equality in the Episcopal Church, University of Illinois Press, Chicago (2001).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1956).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

The Papers of the Right Reverend Edward Demby, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

The Papers of The Right Reverend Walter Dennis, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1917).

Dunn, D.E. A History of the Episcopal Church in Liberia, 1821-1980, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ (1992).

Records of National Church Publications: Printed Documents, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Overseas Department: Liberia, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1938).

Dunn, D.E. A History of the Episcopal Church in Liberia, 1821-1980, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ (1992).

Records of the Overseas Department: Liberia, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1981).

Vonk, C.S. Theodore R. Gibson: Priest, prophet and politician: positive, practical, pragmatic, Little River Press, Miami (1997).


Campbell, W. And Also With You: Duncan Gray and the American Dilemma, Providence House Publishers, Franklin, TN (1997).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Harris, Barbara

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Bozzuti-Jones, M. The Miter Fits Just Fine!: A Story About the Rt. Rev. Barbara Clementine Harris, The First Woman Bishop in the Anglican Communion, Cowley Publications, Cambridge (2003).

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Harris, Bravid

Burgess, J.M. “Bravid Washington Harris in Liberia” from The Builders for Christ Series, The National Council of the Episcopal Church, New York (ca. 1953).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1965).

Dunn, D.E.  A History of the Episcopal Church in Liberia, 1821-1980, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ (1992).

Harris, B.W. A Study of Our Work, The National Council of the Episcopal Church, New York (1939).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Overseas Department: Liberia, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1997).

Lewis, H. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Kesselus, K.  John E. Hines: Granite on Fire, The Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, TX (1995).

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Hayden, J.C. “From Holly to Turner: Black Bishops in the American Succession,” Linkage, 10, 4-6 (1988).

Hayden, J.C. “James Theodore Holly: Pioneer Bishop,” Linkage, 11 (1985).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Overseas Department: Haiti, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


“A Brief History of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church,” Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, http://www.saintmarkschurch.com/2501.html.

Booty, J. The Episcopal Church in Crisis, Crowley Publications, Cambridge, MA (1988).

Addison, James Thayer. The Episcopal Church in the United States, 1789-1931, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1951).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1977).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Harvey, P. Freedom’s Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South from the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC (2005).

Thomas, A.S.  A Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina: 1820-1957, R.L. Bryan Co., Columbia, SC (1957). Scribner [Archon], 1951 [reprint 1969]

Blackman, G.L., and Duffy, M.J. "The Tradition of Massachusetts Churchmanship," The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 1784-1984, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, Boston (1984).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2015). 

Celebrate 125 Years: A History of St. Paul's1880-2005. St. Paul's Church, Atlanta (2005). 


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).


Bragg, G. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church, Church Advocate Press, Baltimore, MD (1922).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Sudler, Art. Parish historian. Personal correspondence, March 8, 2016.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1968).

Kitagawa, Fujiko. Personal correspondence.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Records of the Communication Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of National Church Publications: Printed Documents, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Papers of the Reverend Thomas Logan, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


“Bishop of the Islands,” The Living Church,The Living Church Foundation, Milwaukee, WI (May 5, 1963).

“Bishop’s Address, Seventh Convocation,” Journal of the Missionary Diocese of the Virgin Islands Seventh Convocation, Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands (1963).

“The Bishop’s Convocation Address,” Journal of the Missionary Diocese of the Virgin Islands Fifteenth Convocation, Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands (1970).

"Bishop Mills Dies at 89, Leaving Legacy of Leadership, Service and Racial Understanding," The Episcopal News, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles (September 1992).


Moore, P. The Church Reclaims the City, Seabury, NY (1964).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Moore, P. Presences: A Bishop’s Life in the City, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY (1997).

Papers of the Right Reverend Paul Moore, Jr., The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Paper of the Reverend John B. Morris, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Murray, P. Proud Shoes: the Story of an American Family, Harper and Brothers, NY (1956).

Murray, P. Song in a Weary Throat: An American Pilgrimage, HarperCollins, NY (1987).


Dale, A.M. “Earl A. Neil, African American Civil Rights Reformer: A Profile,” Anglican and Episcopal History, Vol. 75.1, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, Harlingen, TX (2006).

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2007).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1981).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1991). 

The Episcopalian, October 1969.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1981).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1999).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).


Arnold, R. A Man and His Work: A Life Story of Archdeacon James Solomon Russell, Lawrence, VA (1938).

Hayden, J.C. “James Solomon Russell (1857-1935): Missionary and Founder of St. Paul’s College,” Linkage, 7 (1987).

Russell, J.S.  Adventure in Faith: An Autobiographical Story of St. Paul Normal and Industrial School, Lawrenceville, Virginia, Morehouse Publishing, Milwaukee (1936).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1971).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Papers of the Right Reverend William Scarlett, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Spong, J. Here I Stand: My Struggle for a Christianity of Integrity, Love, and Equality, Harper, San Francisco (2001).

Papers of the Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1995).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Papers of the Reverend Henri Stines, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1968).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Records of the Department of Social Relations, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (1989).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Washington, P.  Other Sheep I Have: The Autobiography of Father Paul M. Washington, Temple University Press, Philadelphia (1994).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).

Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Williams, Arthur

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Church Life, Diocese of Ohio, OH, (2002).

Williams, Frederick

Brandt, Jr., G.W. "Frederick Boyd Williams (1939-2006), Prophet, Pastor, Priest: a Dedication.” Anglican Theological Review, (volume 89, no. 1), Winter 2007.

Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2003).

Martin, D. “Frederick B. Williams, 66, Bold Moral Voice in Harlem.” The New York Times (April 8, 2006).

Rangel, C. B. “Celebrating the Life of Canon Frederick B. Williams.” The Congressional Record--Extension of Remarks (May 10, 2006).

Martin Luther King Fellows in Black Religious Studies, Inc. Collection, 1972-1990, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

Williams, Peter, Jr.

Townsend, C. D. Faith in Their Own Color,  Columbia University Press, New York (2005).

Greenleaf, B.  History of the Churches of All Denominations in the City of New York: From The First Settlement To The Year 1846. E. French, New York (1846).

Journals of the Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York 1786-1819, Henry M. Onderdonk, New York (1844).


Episcopal Clerical Directory, The Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, New York (2005).

Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).


"In Memoriam: Joyce Phillips Austin, D.D. '04," GTS News, 12 July 2016. General Theological Seminary, New York (2016).


Eckerman, J. "Artemisia Bowden: Dedicated Dreamer," Texas Passages, Winter 1987, (1987).

Hayden, J.C. “Artemisia Bowden: Educator and Uplifter of Black Youth, 1879-1969," Linkage, 8 (1987).


Harley, S. "Anna J. Cooper: A Voice for Black Women." The Afro American Woman, Black Classic Press (1997).

"Cooper, Anna Julia Haywood." How Did African-American Women Define Their Citizenship at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893?, State University of New York, Binghamton (1997).

Sicherman, B., and Green, C.H. (Eds.). Notable American Women: The Modern Period, Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1980).

Cooper, A.J. "The Third Step," The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland (1998).

Johnson, K.A. Uplifting Women and the Race: The Educational Philosophies and Social Activism of Anna Julia Cooper and Nannie Helen Burroughs, Taylor & Francis (2000).


Caro, J., et. al. "Allan Rohan Crite: Artist-Reporter of the African American Community," Frye Art Museum, Seattle (2001).

Records of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the DFMS: Executive Council Missionary Program Photographic Records, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Records of the Communications Department: Episcopal News Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.

Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Thompsett, F.H. “Women in the American Episcopal Church,” Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Indiana University Press, Indiana (2006).

Records of the World Mission Office of The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Lockwood, E. “One of God’s Irregulars: William Overton Johnston and the Challenge to the Church to Divest from Apartheid South Africa, 1954-1971.” Anglican and Episcopal History, Vol. LXXI, No. 3 (2002). 


Lewis, H. Yet with A Steady Beat, Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA (1996).

Records of the Communications Department: Diocesan Press Service, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Records of the Episcopalian, The Archives of the Episcopal Church.


Shattuck, G. “William Stringfellow and the American Racial Crisis.” Prophet of Justice, Prophet of Life, Robert Boak Slocum, ed. Church Publishing Inc., New York, NY (1997).

Stringfellow, W. A Simplicity of Faith: My Experience in Mourning. Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN (1982).

Stringfellow, W. My People is the Enemy. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, NY (1964).


Shattuck, G. Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2000).