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Digital Archives:  The Digital Archives is a repository of recent policies, positions, and statements by or about governing bodies of The Episcopal Church.  Readers are encouraged to notify the Archives of any errors of completeness or accuracy that we may have overlooked in the authentication process.

The Acts of Convention, 1973-2022.
The Acts of Convention is an official database of legislative actions and statements of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Contact the Archives for pre-1973 legislative history.
Reports to General Convention, 1976-2024.
Also known as the "Blue Book", this database is an authentic record of the Church’s interim bodies that are charged to study and consider issues of importance to the wider Episcopal Church.
Resolves of Council, 1976-2019.
The Executive Council carries out the work of the General Convention between sessions and serves as the governing body of the DFMS (the Church’s corporate entity).
Episcopal Press and News, 1962-2011.
Episcopal Press and News is an archive of articles, features, and news items of the Episcopal Church's national news-gathering offices.