“... if we are willing, the experience of grief can deepen and widen our ability to participate in life. We can become more grateful for the gifts we have been given, more open-handed in our handling of the events of life, more sensitive to the whole mysterious process of life, and more trusting in our adventure with God.”– Tracks of a Fellow Struggler
Life is Gift
Life is Gift, 1970, Crescent Hill Baptist Church, Louisville, KY. A sermon delivered only four weeks after Lara Lue’s death in 1970. Later in his career, Claypool referenced this sermon as pivotal in his adopting a confessional style of preaching.
The Christian Understanding of Death, 1972, Broadway Baptist Church, Forth Worth, TX. Claypool explains his view that death is "Act Three" of life - not a regression into nothingness, but a progression to another stage.
Confessional Preaching, 1982, Consultation on Preaching, Stone Mountain, GA. Claypool describes the confessional style of preaching, its effectiveness, and the experiences that led him to adopt this method.
Growing Through Grief, 2002, Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, LA. A talk occasioned by the Stephen Ministry, a special outreach to those facing especially hard life challenges. Claypool discusses the loss of his daughter and offers what he has learned about the sensitive interaction with one who is experiencing grief.
Courage and Death, 1979, Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS. Claypool discusses death as the great unknown of life and how to meet it courageously: with hope, trust and courage rather than with fear and foreboding. Jesus teaches us, "Be not afraid."